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Old 03-10-2020, 09:53 AM   #26
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Trump: Payroll Tax Cuts And Hourly Worker Relief Possible In Coronavirus Response

Or is this for the markets

From no big deal to this ?? More confusion.....

If this is still around in September plenty of seats at Octoberfest if they even have it ..
So it's not a good thing to try to guarantee hourly workers that they'll get paid in the event they cannot go to work?

For the second time, if Trump thinks this is nothing, why did he restrict people coming here from China on day one, for which he was called a bigot by the Chinese? Why did he do that, if he thinks this is nothing?

I have no doubt you're confused. When you go all-in on the notion that he's Genghis Khan, and then he proposes a plan to help the people who might need the most help, it can be confusing. To the rest of us, who view him as a deeply flawed person who occasionally gets it very right, it's less confusing.

If he wanted to help the markets, there are ways of doing it much more directly than providing relief to hourly workers.

If Trump helps the markets (which his corporate tax cuts did), you attack him for not caring about the little guy - and there's fairness to that criticism But when he proposes to help the little guy, you accuse him of secretly trying to help the markets. And that's TDS displaying itself.

WDMSO, what can the guy do, short of killing himself, that would make you feel obligated to admit he did something good? Youre not being rational. All you do, is put sinister spin on everything he does.
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