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Old 04-24-2020, 02:10 PM   #67
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
If any of your kids wife or relatives made such a suggestion .. I
What did he suggest, exactly? Did he suggest anything? Or did he ask if something was possible?

He asked a doctor, if there's any way that products that kill the virus, could be injected. He specifically said that these products "do a number on the lungs", and he said that's why we need to bring doctors into this.

Every single day, thousands of Americans are dying. If a product is known to kill the virus, what harm does it do, to ask a doctor if there's any way it could be used to help? You think that pursuing seemingly nonsensical ideas have never, in the history of mankind, led to helpful breakthroughs?

What would you have said to the first farmer who asked a doctor, "hey, if I take piles and piles and piles of animal feces, can I spread it in my garden on top of the vegetables i'm trying to grow, is that a good idea"? What would your answer have been? Or your answer to the first person who suggested taking a human heart out of one person, and putting it in another person? I had a gigantic kidney stone a few years ago, that they reduced by bombarding me with ultrasound waves. Who the hell thought of that?

What would you have said to the first oncologist who proposed treating cancer by exposing patients to radiation? How insane did that sound, until we discovered it worked?

We don't know what's possible, until we try.
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