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Old 10-27-2020, 08:11 AM   #26
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
And for all the anti maskers (not suggesting you are one ) in general next time they have a surgery. please tell your surgeon and his team that you feel masks dont work.. so dont wear any and see what they tell you>>>
It's funny, like everything else, I struggle to make up my mind definitively on masks. Because there are very smart people who say masks work (which is where I lean), and there are very smart people who say they don't work. I feel like I cannot know who is right, I'm not a virologist, or a health care researcher. It's amazing to me that even on something as simple as masks, there is zero consensus. There are peer reviewed studies showing masks do nothing. It's hard for me to believe that they don't help at least a little, and I wear one every time I go out. But there's no consensus...

What works in surgery isn't the same as what works with this virus. It's possible the droplets are too small to be captured with a cloth mask. Again, I'm not taking that position, but there are smart people who do.

I pretty much gave up trying to figure this out, how can you when there is zero consensus among the experts? I don't know enough to feel comfortable saying one side is wrong. SO I go with my gut and wear a mask.
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