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Old 04-13-2021, 03:19 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
It’s just the same old story that now instead of a handout, has a prime time slot.


When Carlson worries about immigrants from the third world, he is talking about Hispanic, Asian and Black people who he worries will outnumber “current” voters. Current voters, in this formulation, are the white people who make up the majority of the American electorate.

Actually, even though you seem to think you know what worries him, he has acknowledged that current voters are comprised of all races, and that one of the current races, Black, is disproportionately harmed by mass immigration of low skilled, cheap labor immigrants.

And over 40% of white voters voted Democrat. Race hustlers have accused various Blacks of being white supremacists, and various Jews of being Nazis. None of the races is an electoral monolith. There is an uptick in avowed Black Conservatives. There is a significant minority of Latino Republicans.

This notion of racial supremacy seems to be only attributed by leftists to whites. Even if actual white supremacists are a very small portion of the white population, if someone agrees with some white supremacist ideas, he is considered to be a white supremacist. By that metric, it would seem that all races are supremacist. Most blacks agree with some of the things that are spouted by Black nationalists. Asians and blacks prefer and agree with a superiority of their own cultures.

And in those countries ruled by Asians and Blacks who are a majority, their racial self superiority outdoes any such in White majority countries. In actuality, whites worldwide have been the least racist as a whole compared to Blacks and Asians. But, because only so-called white racism is recognized by the left as a critical problem here, it becomes convenient for leftists to point to this supposed racism as the motivation for all thoughts and actions by whites re non-whites which run counter to their political goals and objectives.

Carlson has very often had on his shows Black, Latino, and Asian guests whom he praised, agreed with, and certainly did not "worry" about their kind becoming a majority. Like most "Conservatives," Tucker seems to be worried about how they will vote, not about the color of their skin.

Second, and revealingly, he is admitting that Republicans do not and will not appeal to new citizens who are immigrants.

Of course, it is obvious, not some revelation, illegals who depend on government turning a blind eye to, as well as actually abetting, their mass migration into the U.S., and who promise to eventually give them citizen status with the host of goodies such as health care, welfare, and education, and who are receptive to also accepting the chain migration of the whole train of their relatives, it is obvious which party they would vote for.

But although white replacement theory is a conspiracy theory, the fact that the percentage of voters who are white in America is shrinking as a percentage of all voters is not. Neither is the fact that white supremacists are panicked about this.
White supremacists may be panicked. I suppose they have always panicked. Anyone who wishes to maintain some form of supremacy will always have an underlying worry that they could lose it. That is the nature of being top dog. No doubt the Progressives get panicked about white supremacists. They're certainly ginning up a big to-do about the danger of white supremacy.

I cannot speak for Carlson about what worries him. I do not have this telepathic power you seem to think you have of what he is thinking. I can only go by his words. His words speak of political replacement, not race replacement.

I can speak for myself. I fear no immigrant who seriously wishes to abandon whatever hell-hole form of government he wishes to escape in order come here and uphold our constitutionally limited form of government. And does so in the way our laws require, not just bogard his way in. But, like Tucker, I also worry about political replacement. I am concerned that the Progressives are replacing our constitutionally limited form of government with an unlimited administrative state. Many things have been done politically toward that end. Abandoning the requirement to observe our laws and statutes on how to enter this country, as no other country has done, is another in a long train of ways. Which country in North, Central, and South America views immigration this way? Which European, Asian, African or Middle Eastern country does? And it is especially insidious that doing so is in order to gain political power.

Last edited by detbuch; 04-13-2021 at 03:52 PM..
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