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Old 10-06-2021, 08:28 AM   #235
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim why even mention migrants and Covid at all in the same sentence.. unless it’s to blame and deflect from actual happening.. in the US with Covid like bring up Warren ..

Only conservatives are trying to tie migrants to Covid …no one saying they don’t have Covid . They just are not the reason for the spike .. so how did these migrants get to Idaho
With their Covid issues

No evidence migrants at border significantly spreading virus

This week, one Republican leader after another rushed to blame the spread of the virus, not on the unvaccinated but on immigrants.

Some Republicans Blame Migrants For COVID-19 Surges. Doctors Say They're Scapegoating

They're "allowing free pass into the United States of people with a high probability of COVID, and then spreading that COVID in our communities," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in an interview last month on Fox News.

"I can tell you, whatever variants are around the world, they're coming across that southern border," Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said at a press conference last week.

You really need to pay more attention to what these so call Republicans leaders are actually saying

Just look at Covid funds

All Republicans in Congress voted against the $1.9 trillion relief bill signed by President Joe Biden last month – but that hasn’t stopped several of them from publicly celebrating funding to their districts made possible by its passage.

Alabama GOP governor signs bills to use Covid-19 relief funds to build prisons into law

Gov. Brian Kemp announced $1,000 bonuses for first responders paid for with the relief money. In Wyoming, a Republican legislative leader suggested the money could be used to pay the federal fines of businesses that defy Biden's vaccine mandate.

In Galveston County, Texas, Republican county commissioners approved a plan to spend $6.6 million of its total $27 million in coronavirus relief money for security roughly 350 miles (560 kilometers) away on the U.S.-Mexico border. They say the money will protect residents from COVID-19 and other dangers brought by people entering the United States

Arizona to use COVID money for anti-mask grants,

These actions just show how Republicans are unable and unwilling to do anything for Americans But would rather pull stunts for their base saying look we’re owing the libs . What a bunch of intellectually dishonest these Trump Republicans have become
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"Jim why even mention migrants and Covid at all in the same sentence."

Because 200,000 of them were encountered on our side of the border, and one result showed that 1 in 5 had covid. That's 40,000 covid-positive migrants coming across in a month, and that's just the ones that BP encountered. Who knows how many more there are.

I answered your question. Can you answer mine? Why do you think it' snot even worth mentioning, that our open borders are essentially importing as many as 40,000 covid-positive people in a month? Why are you so intent on sweeping that under the rug?

"unless it’s to blame and deflect from actual happening.. in the US with Covid"

We can't talk about two things at once? Maybe you can't, most of us can. I'm not deflecting anything. There are multiple facets to this, I go where the truth (not where CNN) takes me.

"Only conservatives are trying to tie migrants to Covid"

SO you deny that tens of thousands of covid-positive migrants are likely coming across the southern border?

Wayne, when I brought this up, you immediately pivoted to the insignificantly low number of migrants who were granted asylum. You completely ignored the much, much larger number of illegal migrants. Then you claimed the illegals are never in the USA. So it appears to us that youre the one who is lying and deflecting.

You say you want to address covid, but you won't admit any issue with 40,000 covid-positive people crossing in a single month, in addition to god-knows-how-many others that were never encountered by BPS. We all know they don't catch all of them.

So one of two things is happening. Either you don't think that importing 40,000 sick people a month is worthy of discussing, or you refuse to discuss it because the underlying issue (open border) is a losing issue for your political agenda.

I have seen just about every conservatives here, criticize conservatives a few times. None of the liberals here except Rockhound, are capable of it. Never.
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