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Old 11-02-2021, 12:22 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You do realize many groups have opposed the book being used in schools for a variety of reasons? Racists segregationists didn’t like it, many on the right oppose the profanity and discussion of rape.
the most common reason is the racist language, I haven't heard many other reasons.

So with CRT, liberals want to make sure kids are taught what whited did to blacks.

But with To Kill A Mockingbird, for some reason kids aren't capable of handling the historical context, even though it's accurate?

With CRT, the liberal rallying cry is not to whitewash history. Why doesn't that apply to this book?

Do you understand, that in this book, the racists aren't portrayed favorably? They're portrayed as disgusting.

"many on the right oppose the profanity and discussion of rape"

Not "many". I'm sure some puritans do, but hardly "many". I wouldn't have first graders read it.

Anyway, what do you liberals want? An accurate depiction of history? Or a whitewashed version? It's very hard to tell.
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