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Old 11-29-2022, 01:14 PM   #69
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
News flash: If you outlaw abortions, criminalize providing gender affirming care for trans youth, dictate what educators can teach in schools, and stop people from voting, you're not the party of "limited government."

The sad truth is if Trump really wanted the GOP to disown him, he should have met with Liz Cheney instead of Kanye or Nick Fuentes.
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Conservatives want abortion decided at the state level, not at the federal level. That's perfectly in keeping with the idea of smaller federal government and more local control, which is the basis of conservatism. If it matters, it's also exactly in accordance with what the US constitution says. Once at the state level, advocating against the slaughter of a million unborn babies a year is hardly totalitarian. We like life. Sorry if that rubs you the wrong way.

"criminalize providing gender affirming care for trans youth"

This is so new, no one has had a chance to think about anything, the left keeps running as far as it can into the liberal abyss. I'm not sure how I feel about physically or chemically mutilating kids who aren't capable of making those decisions yet. I know how I feel about forcing female athletes to share locker rooms with boys.

"dictate what educators can teach in schools"

You really are an idiot. The idea that parents can have a say in what gets taught, is exactly in line with the idea of small government. We want individuals to have some influence, rather than letting the government have all the say. Your philosophy, which is to take tons of money from parents but forbid them from having a meaningful say in how it's spent, is obviously the big government approach. As often is the case with you, you git it exactly wrong.

"stop people from voting cheating"

Do drug tests stop people from working?

Fixed it for you. I have a friend who voted via mail-in ballot. The security there is that they validate the signature on the ballot (because everyone is trained to be handwriting analysts, right?). He's right-handed. He signed his ballot with his left hand, and signed it intentionally to look nothing like anything he has ever signed before. His ballot was accepted. It's obviously ripe with potential for fraud. I picked up a mail-in ballot for a relative who's in a nursing home, they just handed it to me without asking any questions. They had no idea who I was, nor did they care. There's no conceivable way of knowing that she would be the one to fill it out and return it.

"you're not the party of "limited government."

You are when the other side wants the federal government to be massive.

Wayne does this too. He says that every time a conservative proposes any kind of law, that he's violating the principles of small government. Wanting small government, isn't the same as wanting zero government.

Stick to claiming that John Brown and Abe Lincoln were liberals.
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