Thread: Gas Prices
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Old 08-31-2005, 07:46 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Pete_G
Of course I can't find any numbers right now, but we couldn't sustain ourselves no matter how hard we tried if we only used our oil. We simply don't have the oil even if we had some serious success in offshore drilling. Also, Alaska is a waste of time, in relative terms. Just a drop in the bucket. Canada sits on a lot of oil, but most of it is very expensive to extract from the sand it is mixed with.

New technology is the future, if we ever want to escape our dependance on foreign oil. Maybe we could use our own oil but currently we consume way, way too much to think about it.
I agree with you about our using more than we can produce but if we built some new refineries in other areas then we could keep the Alaskan oil here rather than ship it to Japan for refining. Plus why put all our eggs(refineries) in one basket(Gulf coast) when everytime you turn around they have to shut down for another hurricane and its damage!
Another item everyone who's posted seems to forget- most of the gas engines can be made, at the factory, to use fuel more efficiently if the auto makers wanted to. I was looking tobuy a new truck in the near future but I am not too crazy about the gas mileage the new ones are getting. so looks like I'll have to hang on to the one I have for awhile longer. Ron
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