Thread: Embarassing
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Old 04-29-2008, 10:13 AM   #22
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you know what slaves did when the constitutional convention failed them the first time. Most of them turned to the bible, thereby embracing subservience, servitude and complacency. Those that didnt cling to there religion while the planter class kept them in chains turned to guns. That is exactly what people do when the government fails them. Now the present state of the american proleteriat in no way compares to that of the american slave, but just ride through a poor community, be it black, white or latino. You will see dopedealers, armed stick up kids and churches. Those that dont bide there time in church, pray to the P&N, the pipe and needle. The others religious traditions are rooted in swigs from 40oz's of old english 800, zima, MD 20/20 among other spirits. I promise you, if things keep up, this will all be coming to a neighborhood near you if it already hasnt.
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