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Old 10-06-2009, 05:00 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
but what do Republicans have to offer someone with no education, no job or a mother of 3 at 21 years old? The answer is nothing. That's why they vote Democratic. As I said above, the Dems are the ones that will put money in their pocket without having to get a job.

The Dems offer permanent, subsidized, underclass existence. It's a sort of cause and effect generational cycle. The widespread incidence of 21 year old (or younger) mothers of 3 with no job is to a great extent caused by the lack of pressure to abstain from that behaviour (it's not their fault, societal discrimination, hundreds of years of slavery, etc. in the case of blacks; lack of behavioural standards in the case of whites) coupled with the welfare safety net. The Republicans offer them tough love, emphasis on crime reduction and business expansion, opportunity to gain self-respect. This is, obviously, an over-simplification, but the answer to your question would require more space than is available here.

You're absolutely right. But the Republican and Democrat parties people learned about in history class are much different from the parties that exist today.
Yes, they both have moved considerably to the left since those history books were written. The Dems, in olden days, enforced slavery with a stick, today, they cajole it with a carrot.
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