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Old 02-22-2011, 09:16 AM   #110
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
What question? For the record, you changed the subject with the leap between union dues and planned parenthood

Unions typically fund those that help the unions. Just like the Koch give money to those that support their causes. Where is the link between the public employees union and planned parenthood?

Seriously, you're like arguing with the dog from Up, but instead of getting distracted by a squirrel, it's the 'Abortion' right turn.

Do I think everything about every union is fair? Of course not. Do I think that when a union supports a politician they all run out and vote for said pol? No. Do I think the benefit to the workers, in things like healthcare and worker rights outweigh the dues, in most cases, yes.

As far as getting banned, this isn't the other site, and I'm more apt to ignore list people than report them.
"What question?"

I'm sorry, I assumed you read my post before you insulted me for its content. Here is what I wrote...

"why do these labor unions get to force people to join them? If I want to be a public schoolteacher, why am I forced to join a damn union?"

"Where is the link between the public employees union and planned parenthood? "

I have 2 brothers who teach, both have shown me financials from their union that show donations to Planned Parenthood. I don't see why someone who wants to teach kids is forced into giving money to causes that may be reprehensible to them. I think that's a legitimate question.

"it's the 'Abortion' right turn"

I picked Planned Parenthood, which liberals are always saying is about a lot more than abortion, by the way. But I could easily have said, "why are teachers forced to give money to unions who donate to liberal politicians"? It wasn't any right-turn, I'm talking about the insane, absolute power that these unions have.
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