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Old 02-24-2011, 02:54 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Fly Rod -
But the unions don't want to hear it. Even though the economy is bad, even though tax revenues are down, even though many are unemployed, they still want to get paid as if it were the roaring 1920's.
Because that is the nature of the beast. In a bad economy thier jobs become much more dangerous. Crime goes up, the persons you interact with are far more violent, desperate, and so on, the number of calls for serviceincrease exponentially. I always said policing was a growth industry. So why when officers, or firefighters are at thier busiest are they suppose to consider cutting thier pay? Cut thier pay but noth thier responsibilties, not. You wouldn't, and its BS about I have to find someone willing to absord my request for more money. City councilors negotiate new contracts all the time and the town meeting votes them up or down. I don't like paying taxes, no one does. I do not take it as an assault on the quality of my life. The town I live in just held a debt exclusion election to see if the TAXPAYERS will build a new school and a new senior center. They overwhelmingly voted in favor of both projects. Need the school but not the senior center.

I know one thing, you get more from a cop or a firefighter than an insurance company. Cops do not raise thier rates if you deal with them more often.
You are beating to death this issue and surpisingly enough not meeting with many others who suffer the same angst. Like Jesse Jackson turned racism into a self-supporting industry you are trying to do the same witth this.

One thing you haven't mentioned is that all of these people you're complaining about pay a whole lot of taxes as well. And from what you say about public employees in Ct., especially the cops, I reference that scoundrel brother-in-law of yours, from Meridian I think, pays more taxes than you.

Last edited by Swimmer; 02-24-2011 at 03:44 PM..

Swimmer a.k.a. YO YO MA
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