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Old 04-29-2011, 11:59 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Health Insurance Reform)
I think in the end it will be much better than the current system

Most think it will be worse. It is also an unconstitutional mandate. But who cares about the Constitution anyway?

2. Privatize Social Security or phase it out altogether
Privatizing social security is stupid.

Another unconstitutional mandate that helps create the originally feared all powerful central government that will inevitably, as such governments will do because they can, overspend the national treasure and create unsustainable debts and bankrupt economic systems that must be taxed at higher and higher rates.

3. End Medicare as it presently exists
The voucher thing is a joke. Ok, now that you are 65 go out and get your own insurance

All forms of universal insurance, whether private or public, will fail to contain costs because universal insurance is a major contributor to higher cost compared to out of pocket payment due to the bigger pocket to pick, and the U.S. Government has the biggest pocket. #^&#^&#^&#^&er over which type of insurance and then grump over unaffordable premiums. At least with some variety and competition, there is a chance of finding something cheaper. Best take Raven's advice and take charge of your own health--stay healthy.

4. Extend the Bush tax cuts

Not for over 500,000 imo. tax rate of the 1990's

"imo" is the key phrase. It's all just opinion--250,000K, 500,000K, 1Mil, 90%, whatever, won't make a difference on budgets or debt. Money will be spent to get votes as always, and government will print and borrow money to lower value of dollar and help it to pay some debt with cheap money, and the economy will be depressed, and eventually (if it doesn't collapse) rebound and the process will continue.

5. Repeal Wall Street Reform
2000's all over again

Repeal, don't repeal, blah-blah, sing-song-sing-song, been reforms-repeals-reforms-new ways to beat the game or the old ways of bribing the politicians. Forgetaboutit.

6. Protect those responsible for the oil spill and future environmental catastrophes

Cap liabilities for those responsible for environmental disasters like the Gulf oil spill and let companies like BP decide which victims deserve compensation for the disaster and what the timeline for relief should be.
F' that

Ahh, what the H, just continue to play political games with "disasters" and "crises" as always--nothing new.

7. Abolish the Department of Education
could use cuts, but there are alot of things that are necessary that would get dumped on the states. So millionaires can pay less taxes? No thanks

Another unconstitutional encroachment on the states by the feds. The states pay 90 percent of education cost so another 10 percent "dumped" on them WHERE THE RESPONSIBILITY BELONGS could actually be less costly since there wouldn't be unfunded mandates to adhere to and the people would be more in control of costs, standards, and objectives, and less money would be siphoned out of the states to the national government in order to be partially returned for the benefit of Federal control over state educational responsiibility. And abolishing the dept. would return to the idea of the States as laboratories in the diverse experiments in uplifting their citizens.

8. Abolish the Department of Energy
are you kidding me?
End America's investments in a clean-energy future and disband the organization responsible for oversight of nuclear materials.

"America's investments" is a high-sounding phrase--almost sacred sounding. But it can just be the stultifying sound of the central planner telling us all how it should be done and how much "all Americans" must pay for that plan from on high. No various States deciding on energy policies that suit them (might be some great varieties of ideas)--but the States are too dumb for that--even though the super-intelligent central planners actually come from the States. Do we need an entire Department of Energy to oversee nuclear materials?

9. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency

Pre 1970's environment was great wasn't it?

Again, another high sounding title that presumes States cannot "protect" their environments. And there must only be adherence to the One Way from on high--not experiments from diverse thinkers throughout the States. And, again, another unconstitutional agency, one of 300 or so administrative agencies that violate the "non-delegation" doctrine inherent in the constitutionally enumerated legislative powers of congress. Not only does the Constitution prohibit congress from delegating its legislative function to another agency, but these regulatory agencies are mini-governments in themsleves, having legislative, executive, and judiciary powers in the same hand, which Madison said was the very definition of tyranny.

10. Repeal the 17th Amendment

This is genius

Enough reasons for you?
Abolishing the 17th ammendment would revert election of senators back to the original constitutional method of appointing them by the State legislators who are chosen by the people of the State. The Senate is supposed to be a deliberative check on hasty decisions of congress and to prevent congress from squandering the national treasury, especially from spending it to buy votes. Now that senators must campaign, they too must spend money and get money to get elected. They are now beholden more to large donors than to the average citizen, and are major political benefactors to large corporations, thus being greatly responsible for those corporations paying little to no taxes. Not only are they now more beholden to big money than to the average citizen, they act more in concert with the national party and are more animals of that party than respondents to their respective States as they were when chosen by their state legislatures and were beholden solely to their States and citizens of those States. This repeal will help to restore power back to the States and away from the Centralized government in Washington D.C. It will help give the States more control of their own distinct problems and cures and devolve power back to the people. The momentum for the massive growth of the central government began in earnest in the beginning of the 20th century and the 17th ammendment was one of the reasons for that growth.

Last edited by detbuch; 04-30-2011 at 01:29 AM.. Reason: typos
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