Thread: OBL(UBL) Killed
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:22 AM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Saltys View Post

Yesterday marked the 8th anniversary of George W. Bush's "mission accomplished" speech....

Funny thing about that speech...if you read the text,nowhere does he say "mission accomplished". What he does say in that speech is that there's a lot of hard work left to do in Iraq, and that no one knows when the job will be done.

Liberals will then say "well what about the banner that said 'Mission Accomplished'? Yes, the banner. Bush's speech was delivered on the USS Lincoln, a Navy ship that was heading home after completing a tour of duty near Iraq. The banner was for the sailors of the USS Lincoln, because for them, their mission was accomplished.

But the media, and people who hate Bush,pounced on this, distorting it, and saying that Bush thought combat was over.

There were huge mistakes made with Iraq, and I have no quarrel with folks who say we shou;dn't have gone in. But it's flat-out lie to state that Bush ever claimes that the mission was accomplished.

And awesomenews about Bin Laden, I pray some of those 09/11 families can rest a bit easier.
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