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Old 11-16-2011, 07:25 PM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Serious questions, since you have basically the polar opposite view.... I ask b/c you typically answer w/o lots of cut and pastes... I really am curious as I wach the process of the primary...

1. you don't list Huntsman... if so, why? from my seat he doesn't seem to be a RINO, I just can't figure out why he is so far down... is there something I miss from this side of the aisle about him?

2. How does your faith impact Newt, particuarly his colorful past w/ wives

3. I'm not sure how the Newt Fannie/Freddie thing will play out. he says one thing (I warned of the bubble), FM/FM say the other, but... how do you reconcile the 'Frank/Dodd etc.. should be in jail' quote w/ taking 1.6? Mil from them?

Again, serious questions fueling my curiosity of the Right. I took you off ignore don't make me put you back with a diatribe on how all liberals have a mental disoder.
"1. you don't list Huntsman... if so, why? from my seat he doesn't seem to be a RINO, I just can't figure out why he is so far down... is there something I miss from this side of the aisle about him?"

I also like Huntsman, and like every GOP candidate, believe he'd be a vast improvement over Obama. But Huntsman, in my opinion, isn't in Gingrich's one is. And I like Romney mostly because, since he's moderate enough to appeal to the independents, likely has the best shot at beating the Mao-ist we have in there now...

"2. How does your faith impact Newt, particuarly his colorful past w/ wives"

A fair, tough, good question.

As a devout Catholic, I don't like it. However, Gingrich's indiscretions were a long time ago, he's been happily married for many years, and he converted to Catholicism thanks to his current wife. By all accounts, he's been a serious Catholic for many years. I don't like that part of his past. But more than that, I don't like it when Democrats, who gave us Clinton, the Kennedys, and Robert Byrd, all of a sudden pretend that ethics matter.

I'd love a guy who has values and the right solutions. I also think that guy is named Marco Rubio (senator from Florida), but he's not ready yet. I personally feel our country is on the edge of an economic and ethical precipace. I think Gingrich is uniquely qualified to get us out. Just listen to how he answers questions. He doesn't simply make you afraid of the other side (which is all Obama does), he backs up his opinions with historical precedent.

"3. I'm not sure how the Newt Fannie/Freddie thing will play out. he says one thing (I warned of the bubble), FM/FM say the other, but... how do you reconcile the 'Frank/Dodd etc.. should be in jail' quote w/ taking 1.6? Mil from them?"

I'm getting up to speed on this now. As you said, Gingrich is saying one thing, others are saying something else. I don't se how he did anything unethical though. What did he do forthem to earn however much $$ it was? Did he try to fix things? Or did he tell them to sell as many subprime mortgages as possible?

Glad you took me off ignore, seriously. Those were tough, but perfectly fair, questions. And Gingrich's personal baggage, in my opinion, probbaly make him un-electable. I'm personally willing to overlook them because I think he's so uniquely qualified. Makes me a bit of a hypocrit, I admit.

Hope your holiday season is off to a good start.
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