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Old 02-27-2012, 03:01 PM   #9
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
While the sensativities of the family members are important, the President is also responsible for the 90 thousand other service people still in harms way. If they believe an appology is the best tactic to further the mission there should be some respect for that. I'd be confident that this response was carefully planned and not some capitulation to fit a liberal stereotype.

I'd note that the Afgan Government appologized for the killings along with the US Government condemming "it in the strongest possible terms".

There should be no confusion that Obama was appologizing to the murders...that's not reading the facts.

Actually, by mentioning "uncesessarily violent behavior" I was explicitly labeling the "behavior" as "unecessary violence".

Launch a cruise missle at who?

It's a figure of speech, but perhaps a bad choice of words. The point is we need to get past the events and violence to keep the mission on track.

And he plays the Nazi card!

Remember here we're 10 years into a war that we'd really like to get out of. While we've been very successful in killing terrorists a military solution to the Taliban doesn't appear likely. Without the political support of the Afgani government and tribal leaders we're never going to have a smooth draw down. The PR battle here is critical.

We need to wind this thing down but some still want to position it as the Battle of Civilizations Bush's cronies postured after 9/11.

Others just want to play politics.

"the President is also responsible for the 90 thousand other service people still in harms way."

Yes, he is. And if apologizing to the murderers, rather than bringing them to justice, is what makes our troops safer, please explain how. Because I fail to see how.

"If they believe an appology is the best tactic to further the mission there should be some respect for that."

Oh, I see. So now you, Spence, are assuming that some sizable portion of our troops believe that we should be appeasing those who murder our troops, rather than killing them? By what divine right do you make that claim? By any chance, do you have some polls or US servicemen who think the best thing is to appease Islamic sociopaths, rather than bringing them to their knees?

Spence, you are entitled to your own opinions, inane as they may be. You are not entitled to your own facts, and there are no facts (nor any common sense) to suggest that coddling Al Queda makes us any safer. If Obama had a brain, he would realize that to maximize our safety, you destroy these people BEFORE they build up their capabilities.

"There should be no confusion that Obama was appologizing to the murders"

That's precisely what he did. Worse, by apoloigizing, he lends credibility to the insane notion that it's justifiable to be enraged if someone accidentally burns a piece of paper. It was a simple accident, nothing more. Obama went out of his way to suggest that those who burned the Koran would be punished, but he offers NO ASSURANCES that those who murdered US servicemen would be punished? Those are the facts Spence. Just because they make your guy look stupid, doesn't mean they aren't facts.

"Launch a cruise missle at who?"

Oh, I dunno. For starters, at anyone who believes that a piece of paper is worth more than innocent lives.

"The point is we need to get past the events and violence to keep the mission on track. "

Jesus God Almighty man!!! What color is the sky in the world you live in? The BAD GUYS, not us, committed the violence in this case. You're willing to say "sorry" and call it a day? What do you say to the families of the next innocent victim, knowing you did nothing to prevent further attacks?

Spence, there are bad people out there that you cannot wish away, nor can you ever make them leave you alone by bowing to them. When someone pulls a gun on you, it's a bit late for formal negotiations. Fortunately for you, there are thousands of Americans who understand that, and volunteer to deal with it.

I didn't play the "Nazi" card, don't pin that label on me. I said, correctly, that your solution to dealing with these homicidal maniacs is to try to make them like us. That fact has impacted me, and other soldiers, more than it will ever impact you. I wish there were no bad people in the world, I wish there was no need for a military or a police force. But I recognize the existence of evil, and I know you don't make it go away by coddling it. Eventually, you have to deal with it. Fortunately for you, when that time comes, it won't be YOU that has to un-do the damage of that failed appeasement. Other brave soldiers will step up to clean up the mess created by those like you, with their heads in the sand.

Spence, your claim that "we" need to end the violence shows the absurdity of your position. To start off, so that I am clear, are you American? If so, then "we" do not need to end the violence, because "we" did not start the violence (please look up the events of 09/11 as a refresher). "We" would happily lay down our arms today if our adversaries would do the same. "We" are not perpetuating the violence in the Middle East, Islamic fanatics are perpetuating the violence there. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 02-27-2012 at 04:12 PM..
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