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Old 04-06-2014, 08:51 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
As will your refusal to address any legitimate concerns over Obama's competence or, in this case, honesty.

I'm sure that Spence considers Obama to be very competent. He pretty much has approved of all his foreign policy, considering it all to be "played well." He wants to give the ACA "a chance." He believes that the Repubs have made it difficult to govern, that it's their fault we're in a mess not Obama's. And that the economy is picking up, and the ACA thing is smoothing out of its little hitches and starting to roll. ETC. And about the honesty thing . . . you have to remember that Spence considers himself to be a pragmatist. The ultimate pragmatist, Machiavelli, would have approved of lying. Lying in order to achieve goals, govern well, is amoral. It is "smart."

Rather than explain why forcing employers to provide free contraception isn't unconstitutional, he tries to make everyone hate us by lying about our position.

Again, you call it "lying," Spence would see it as "smart." Pragmatism trumps morality.

Why can't you be an honest adult for 3 seconds and tell us what you think about a President who would stoop to that.

A pragmatist would stoop to whatever it takes to get the job done.

My only obsession with her sex life, is that I want to be left out of it. She is the one dragging me into it, by insisting that she has the right to reach into my wallet.
Spence probably doesn't care about her getting into your wallet. Fluke is a promising progressive who will probably be running for political office in the near future. She will be a standard bearer for the "women's" issue part of the progressive platform, and be a big electoral draw on "smart" women's issues.

Besides, Spence is a "centrist." He is in the center of whatever is. So he is always right. You, on the other hand, are on the fringe of center. You're an extremist. Extremists are always wrong. NOT.

Spence doesn't have to answer any questions. He is usually the one asking questions, not too often making definitive statements. So long as the progressive movement forges ahead, maintaining or gaining ground, politics are on his side, and he can disregard your questions (or anybody else's), and merely respond with sarcastic jabs.
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