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Old 09-24-2013, 11:40 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You need to reach out a little, there is no story here.

Unions claimed their members should be exempt, the White House said no.

Your story isn't about reality, it's about a Republican lawmaker's stunt to pass a bill for a problem that doesn't exist.

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Spence, from your very own post...

"the White House looked at several ways to make the union plans eligible for subsidies "

In other words, the White House wanted to pay off the unions for political suport, but try as they might, they couldn't come up with a way to do it.

Spence, what does it say to you, that Obama wanted to give the unions this kickback. Why does Obama want to give $$ to those who work in a union, but not give $$ to someone doing the same job, for the same pay, with the same healthcare, but in a non-unionized capacity? Spence, what does it say to you, that if Obama had his way, everyone who voted for Romney would subsidize those who voted for him? You're OK with that?

Obama sincerely wanted to pay them off, his advisors told him that it wouldn't fly. And Spence sees this as something we should praise Obama for.

Now, that is an apologist...
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