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Old 04-29-2011, 12:23 PM   #29
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
It is hard to figure out exactly what the tea party crowd would institute if they got power, so I will go down this simple list from the republic party/ tea party contract

1. Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Health Insurance Reform)
I think in the end it will be much better than the current system

2. Privatize Social Security or phase it out altogether
Privatizing social security is stupid.

3. End Medicare as it presently exists
The voucher thing is a joke. Ok, now that you are 65 go out and get your own insurance

4. Extend the Bush tax cuts

Not for over 500,000 imo. tax rate of the 1990's

5. Repeal Wall Street Reform
2000's all over again

6. Protect those responsible for the oil spill and future environmental catastrophes

Cap liabilities for those responsible for environmental disasters like the Gulf oil spill and let companies like BP decide which victims deserve compensation for the disaster and what the timeline for relief should be.
F' that
7. Abolish the Department of Education
could use cuts, but there are alot of things that are necessary that would get dumped on the states. So millionaires can pay less taxes? No thanks

8. Abolish the Department of Energy
are you kidding me?
End America's investments in a clean-energy future and disband the organization responsible for oversight of nuclear materials.

9. Abolish the Environmental Protection Agency

Pre 1970's environment was great wasn't it?

10. Repeal the 17th Amendment

This is genius

Enough reasons for you?
Zimmy -

"It is hard to figure out exactly what the tea party crowd would institute if they got power"

When you dismiss/demonize everyone who disagrees with you, instead of listening to them, then I can see where you wouldn't understand what they would do. Obviously you don't listen even for a second, because if you did, you wouldn't claim that the Tea Party wants to do away with social security altogether. YOu also claim privatization is stupid. Well, I support privatization, and i can tell you why...anyone with half a brain can invest that money on their own and generate a much better return than what social security generates. To me, that makes some sense. You call it "stupid", and you offer not a word to support it. You only call it "stupid" because Rachael Maddow told you to think it, but you can't explain why...

Paul S, you were unfairly cast in that lot, I apologoze, sir...
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