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Old 02-24-2016, 03:47 PM   #91
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Love it, a 25 year long industry dedicated to tearing the Clinton's down yet we've not seen anything yet. Right

I think under-appreciating her resilience and skills would be a big mistake. Trump can't respond to Hillary giving an insightful response on foreign policy, economics or domestic issues with a wedgie or wet willie during a debate.

Trump is all hat and no cattle and while many Americans are mad at the government his childish antics are really getting old.
I don't want to "tear her down", I just want her out of public service, I thiink her policies are counterproductive. The reason she's still around, is because (like the Kennedys), the Clintons are somehow able to get people like you to put aside any critical thought, and refuse to hold them accountable for anything they do.

"Trump is all hat and no cattle "

He's a billionaire. He's got some cattle somewhere. You want to see what "all hat and no cattle" looks like, look at the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

"under-appreciating her resilience and skills would be a big mistake. Trump can't respond to Hillary giving an insightful response on foreign policy"

The hell he can't! He sure as hell can say "look what Iraq looked like when you were sworn in as Secstate, and look at what it looks like now. And if you want to talk foreign policy, let's talk about that trip where you say you came under sniper attack."

What's her response to that? Is she going to blame Bush for the invasion, even though she staunchly supported it? Why not, you won't question her when she does it.

I have very little use for Trump. One thing he will do, is beat her up when she's slinging BS. For example, when she started patting herself on the back for being a feminist, Trump immediately (and correctly) claimed that no one who enables her husband's behavior, no one who attacks the character of her husband's victims, has any business calling herself a feminist. We need someone who isn't afraid to throw an elbow when she is begging for it. Neither McCain nor Romney would do it to Obama.

In the end, if it's Trump v Hilary, she will win at least 48 states. But he will call her out when she is spouting BS.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 02-24-2016 at 04:11 PM..
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