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Old 02-07-2019, 02:03 PM   #27
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
This has been asked a dozen times by you and answered. Is the terrain the same in san diego or el paso as it is in the middle of the desert?

And it makes no sense to go only by the word of a border guard who is responsible for a small slice of the border versus a rep. who knows info. about many many times the length of what a border guard knows. All the reps. say there is no need for a fence from coast to coast.
"This has been asked a dozen times by you and answered."

I don't see your answer, so instead of saying "this has been answered", can you just answer it again?

"Is the terrain the same in san diego or el paso as it is in the middle of the desert? "

I don't know. Is the terrain identical in San Diego, and Yuma, and El Paso? Is the terrain that much different where Trump wants to expand them? If the terrain is different, why did all the dems still support expanding the wall in 2006 and 2013?

Why does the Israeli southern wall, on the desert, help stop illegal immigration?

"And it makes no sense to go only by the word of a border guard "

How about Obama's head of the Border Patrol? He was responsible for the whole border, he was appointed by Obama and fired by Trump, so he has no reason to lie to make Trump look good. Does he know anything?
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