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Old 08-29-2018, 06:30 AM   #73
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
PS I love your revisionist History lesson .... you seem to claim that the republican party hasn't moved Farther right or used elected office to stack the deck

Trump told Evangelical leaders that the vote was a "referendum" on freedom of speech and religion, and that these were threatened by "violent people".
But many influential conservatives will readily criticize Trump for his ethical lapses. When Obama and Hilary say similarly offensive things, do they get similar criticism from liberals. Hell, no.

When Obama said "Repubiocans gotta stop just hating all the time", and when Hilary made her deplorables speech, did the most influential liberals go on TV and bash her? No. But with rare exceptions like the moron Sean Hannity, many conservatives will fairly criticize Trump when he deserves it.

Look at this forum. I constantly criticize Trump. Spence constantly defends Obama and Hilary no matter what they do. We are only 2 people, but it's very illustrative of what I'm talking about.

If Hilary had won and had cut taxes and gotten the same economic results as Trump, you'd all be saying she deserves to be on Mount Rushmore. Because it's Trump, you can't admit that economically speaking, we are better off than we were on Obama's last day. If you ever mention that, you give credit to Obama. Sure he deserves some, and I'm very sorry to say this, but so does Trump.

If the left was smart, 2020 would be the year to nominate a moderate with broad appeal, like Bill Clinton was in 1992 (if one exists, and I'm not sure there is one). But they'll go with a fanatic like Warren, because at the national level, that's all there is. She is mainstream on you side. Trump is an outlier on my side, a very very extreme outlier.
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