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Old 04-26-2008, 05:51 AM   #1
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so the good Reverend Racist got an adoring tongue bath from Bill Moyers last night.... and from what I hear Bill will feature the members of the Weather Underground next week to explain that they were in all actuality, an organization whose rhetoric was simply taken out of context and actions misunderstood....Bill and Hillary were right, it's time for the liberal mainstream media to break out their OBAMA for PRESIDENT buttons and throw away their license to practice journalism......nah, nah, nah..GOD HELP AMERICA!
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Old 04-26-2008, 08:20 AM   #2
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I'm curious, how many of Rev. Wright's sermons have you listened to in full?

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Old 04-26-2008, 08:57 AM   #3
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I love it, I knew you'd be right on that Spence, let's see, have not listened to all of the Rev. Racist speeches in full, nope...but...never listened to any Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, Pol Pot, Mao, choose your maniacal tyrant speeches in full either but I'm sure that many were eloquently delivered to nodding approval by their followers and I know that they are/were bad guys, I have spent the time to learn about this "church", what it approves and pushes as it's agenda, black liberation theology, Marxism disguised as religeon...don't forget the Hamas Manifesto... much is/was available on it's own website, much has been removed for obvious reasons, can't make this one go away no matter how hard they try......but's just WORDS, right? don't worry, the Reverend isn't the nut, I am....
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:01 AM   #4
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Wow, you're really off the deep end on this one.

So Rev. Wright who served his country in the US Marine Corps, US Navy and has spent his entire life working for the community is equated with Hitler and Pol Pot?

All because he holds a few wacky viewpoints and likes to use heated rhetoric in his sermons?

I guess now that associates Barak Obama with Hitler and Pol Pot as well.

Oh %$%$%$%$, about 1/2 of the country would probably vote for Obama. Factoring in % voters that means about 30% of the country is supporting Hitler and Pol Pot.

It's all very clear to me know why some on the Right accuse those on the Left of hating America. Considering how evil Hitler (and Pol Pot) really were, there's a lot of evil that deserves to be hated.

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Old 04-26-2008, 11:24 AM   #5
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never said he killed anyone, simply pointed out that I didn't need to hear all of the speeches of those other fellows to know that they were bad guys, I don't need to sit and listen to all of his speeches/sermons/rants to know that Rev. Racist is a bad guy, there are more than enough associations, incidents etc. that bear this out, only the Kool Aid drinkers are going to buy the new and improved Reverend on Prozac on his goodwill tour, but give them credit for trying, can't to see the interview with Bill Ayers!
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Old 04-26-2008, 12:08 PM   #6
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So your premise is based on the notion that Rev. Wright is such a bad person you can just tell? Like in a Hitler or Pol Pot sort of way?

Considering all the good things the man has clearly accomplished in his life, you sir, must have pretty high standards to make such a statement.

Please explain what makes him so evil, because I just can't comprehend what you're saying, and people tend to actually think I"m a pretty sharp fellow.

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Old 04-26-2008, 12:36 PM   #7
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You are what you spew....he should be a man and stand up for what he really believes instead of this new soft spoken charade...the fact is that he is profiteering from this rhetoric, food for those with grievances real or percieved...

I never questioned your intelligence, just find it ironic that PBS and the mainstream media has plenty of time to arrange favorable, softball interviews with a man that routinely use hateful, despicable rhetoric to preach the "Word of God" to his congregation, which according to the shot that I saw last night had quite a few children in it's numbers, associates with terrorists like Khadafi and the likes of Farrakhan, more to be uncovered I'm sure, and is the "Spiritual Advisor" of the guy that wants to be president, don't know about you but I don't know too many people with those credentials(Maybe Jimmy Carter?), associations and/or continue to defend Snobama you will have to make excuses for the Racist Revered, the Elitist Wife and the Terrorist Sidekick....sounds like a lot of esplainin'.... how about an occasional story about an act or two of bravery by our folks over seas....somewhere???...anwhere???...nope no time for that...too busy proping up a slumping Obama......which was my original point...mainstream solidly media in the Obama camp, it's true...just ask the Clintons...they never lie...
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Old 04-26-2008, 12:42 PM   #8
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hey Spence, just so we're straight, I love talking politics because it one of the very few things that get people worked into a lather over things that they can do absolutely nothing about, my best customers are big libs and I have a ball making their eyes turn red because they really know, deep down that they are wrong...the leftys have very little sense of humor and an even shorter fuse...probably a result of knowing that they are way overmatched intellectually which is why they target the lowest common please never get upset over things that I say, you'd like me, you really would...I'm really a fun guy and I hope that you can get out and find some fish this weekend, Scott
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Old 04-26-2008, 05:00 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
You are what you spew....he should be a man and stand up for what he really believes instead of this new soft spoken charade...the fact is that he is profiteering from this rhetoric, food for those with grievances real or percieved...
Did you actually watch the interview, or are you just parroting what Hannity or Rush said? I don't see him backing away from his statements, in fact he reinforced them.

I never questioned your intelligence, just find it ironic that PBS and the mainstream media has plenty of time to arrange favorable, softball interviews with a man that routinely use hateful, despicable rhetoric to preach the "Word of God" to his congregation
So FOX News (along with most cable news) running the same clips 24/7 with zero discussion on what Rev. Wright was actually trying to communicate is somehow ok, but to let the man speak for himself is weak? Give me a break.

associates with terrorists like Khadafi and the likes of Farrakhan
Have you ever bothered to actually look into why he went to Libya?

It appears as though he was on a peace mission with a number of ministers (including Farrakhan) who went to Libya and Syria to help free a captured US Navy pilot shot down over Lebanon.

Ronald Reagan remarked the ministers "earned our gratitude and our admiration."

But you still think the man is evil, cause you can just smell it.

What planet do you live on?

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Old 04-26-2008, 05:42 PM   #10
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Spence, Spence, Spence.....I understand your anguish buddy, I really do..." I feel Yer Pain"....yes, I did watch the interview and no I did not get marching orders from Rush or Hannity, so radical ministers on a peace mission to terrorist countries is...what? must have been some party? but back to you, look I can see that you are hurting, and I really want to help, after all, a year ago you were on top of the world with Nancy and Harry and Hillary was destined to be the next POTUS, hell, she was already talking about what she was going to be doing in ther second term, funny thing politics, then "the messiah" emerged atop his donkey and women fainted at the sound of his WORDS...oh the WORDS...too bad we can't figure out if words actually matter or don't matter depending on who you are I if you are Don Imus and you say some words....Obama condemns you ....but if you are Reverend Racist....well, let's not take those words too seriously, after all.... ya know, he's old and gets carried away...but me...I'm just a "typical white person" that likes evenhandedness, now it's all falling apart, oh the things that could have been...Universal everything for everybody...a health care system that might some day rival that of Cuba...Bill Clinton exposed as a racist and Jimmy Carter as a rabid anti-semite and Obama as a radical marxist masquerading as the saviour...Hillary is actually starting to look good to me(as a candidate that is)....but back to you Spence, you seem so angry, like I've lost your sense of humor and that's a bad thing, I can help and me buddy, we can get you back on the right need to laugh more, now for me it's the three stooges or family guy, but I know from experience that libs and women don't get the humor of the stooges so for you I'd suggest something lighter, like say, Will and Grace reruns, maybe three times a week for an hour a day, just till you get your humor back, once you start to feel a chuckle you'll know that you are well on the road to recovery, once you get your chuckle back you should listen to a little conservative radio, if you are going to claim to be open-minded and fair like most of my lib friends then you should at least entertain the thoughts of those with an opposing point of view from you however distasteful that may seem at first, you can't go through life being so narrow-minded that you don't accept that there are actually others out there with a world view that may be different from yours, this is the biggest mistake that libs make, they rationalize away any facts that don't agree with their world view and it is damaging to their start slow with something that mixes in a little humor like..oh...Glenn Beck...he's pretty funny, definitely stay away from Michael Savage, you'll have a panic attack in ten minutes, I don't want you injured during your rehab, conversely, you should avoid Bill Maher and Chris Matthews, those guys are nuts, if you are feeling comfortable after a week or two you should read VISIONS OF THE ANNOINTED by Thomas Sowell, you can read that and then look at the farce Al Gore is engaged in along with countless other "crises" that have been hoist upon us and have a much better understanding of the intent...I don't want to overload you right away so to recap, Will and Grace, Glenn Beck and Thomas Sowell, this has been a proven formula for miserable liberal syndrome or MLS and while I would never try to "convert" an unwilling mind I will tell you that it will relieve daily tension, unexpected outbursts and even constipation in some instances...try if for a week or two, no charge for the consultation, my treat
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Old 04-26-2008, 09:14 PM   #11
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That was a lot of words to completely avoid the issue.

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Old 04-27-2008, 06:23 AM   #12
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the Rev's a bad guy Spence, you cannot esplain' away the things that he's said, they're on tape, Obama in fully on board with this guy as well as associated with characters that make the Clinton's seedy associations look irrelevant, by the time the convention rolls around Hillary is going to have a very strong argument to make that this guy can't get elected,

if you feel that the Rev is being unfairly treated let me ask you about a few guys that led exemplary lives in every respect, served their country and carried the highest recommendations before the democrats and the left wing collectively pulled their zippers down and urinated on all that they'd accomplished in their lives, Petraeus, Alito, Roberts, Thomas, Bork...where was Bill Mayer when the character of these fine men was being assasinated and they didn't have any of the associations, ties, hateful rhetoric associated with any of them,
urban dictionary definition of Bork

1. bork

Irreversibly damaged.

My soundcard is borked.

2. bork

to have one's character assasinated;
as in the treatment by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee of Supreme Court Justice nominee Robert Bork.

You sure got borked on that deal.

so, stock up on Kool Aid, it's gonna be a bumpy ride, Obama has promised to bring up all of the past Clinton scandals and there's no limit to what the Clinton's will do when seeking power, it's gonna be great, McCain is the luckiest man on earth...

and try to find just a little sense of humor Spence, "TOGETHER WE CAN!"
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Old 04-27-2008, 07:33 AM   #13
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Another Obama Marxist
By Lance Fairchok
Barack Obama has a thing for Marxists. He befriends them, listens to their counsel, and he even hires them to work in his campaign. And they seem to feel the warmth. President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, who led a revolution there in 1979, says Barack Obama's presidential bid is a "revolutionary" phenomenon, and Americans are "laying the foundations for a revolutionary change." A captured computer revealed that an unknown person chatted with Marxist FARC guerillas on Obama's behalf (they believed), stating he would be the next President and US policy towards Columbia would change. Frank Marshall Davis, a dear Obama friend and mentor was as a member of the Communist Party USA. Barack Obama just seems to attract Marxists.
If the people he surrounds himself with are any indication of his core beliefs, a higher capital gains tax to punish the rich, even if it diminishes actual tax revenue, may be only the beginning. Obama's Official campaign blogger, Sam Graham-Felsen, a former writer for the leftist Nation magazine and a contributor to the Socialist Viewpoint, is certainly a believer in class warfare.

The capitalist ruling class of the United States exercises a virtual dictatorship not only over American society, but also over the entire world. This capitalist class rule is the basic cause of the poverty, wars and the degradation of the natural environment.

After being expelled from Socialist Action in 1999, we formed Socialist Workers Organization in an attempt to carry on the project of building a nucleus of a revolutionary party true to the historic teachings and program of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.

Socialist Viewpoint (

The product of a Harvard education, Sam is an admirer of anti-American academic Noam Chomsky, a hypocrite and fraud masquerading as a political philosopher. Mr. Chomsky, perhaps admired by Obama as by his official blogger, is fond of visiting dictators and terrorists and giving speeches blaming all the worlds' ills on America. All while accepting defense department contract dollars as a linguist. Chomsky was an ardent supporter of Pol Pot, and to this day denies a holocaust occurred in Cambodia (1.67 million died). He is unrepentant about the horrors his vile ideology encouraged and supports Hamas and Hezbollah with the same willful blindness today.

In an article in the Harvard Crimson, Sam writes of his hero:

For me, hearing Chomsky speak for the first time was a life-changing experience. His ability to take preconceptions and destroy them-to completely remodel one's understanding of reality with cold, hard facts-blew me away. When I left what was then the ARCO Forum last fall, I felt as though I had been through the Matrix and back. Chomsky really has this effect because he bombards you with evidence and logic, not empty rhetoric. It is nearly impossible to hear him or read him-once you've actually checked his facts yourself (he even cites page numbers in public addresses)-and deny what he's saying.

For anyone who has actually endured one of Chomsky's muddled rants or tried to verify the claims in his books, young Sam's praise is comical; and a clear indication he has never actually read one. You find very quickly Chomsky is not overly concerned with "facts," as he fabricates them with abandon. He cites page numbers, to his own books, which recycle themselves with astonishing success. Hardly an example of a towering intellect, his tired canards are sufficient to impress the worshipful Sam Graham-Felsen, and endear himself to the same leftist academics that so easily embraced dictators such Ho Chi Min and Pol Pot, idolize Chavez and Castro and legitimized terrorists like Yasser Arafat. Chomsky is the master of post-modern moral relativism, quick to excuse atrocity with obfuscation.

On the day after 9-11, Chomsky wrote:

"The terrorist attacks were major atrocities. In scale they may not reach the level of many others, for example, Clinton's bombing of the Sudan with no credible pretext, destroying half its pharmaceutical supplies and killing unknown numbers of people."


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Old 04-27-2008, 10:30 PM   #14
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And people wonder why I built a self sufficient cabin in the woods of central maine years ago...................
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Old 04-28-2008, 12:33 PM   #15
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SCott- Im 100% with you.

Its a simple concept to me. I dont care what he did with his life, the words he preached in the few excerpts I heard are enough for me to make up my mind.

If Rev W was white and a white candidate attended his church, that person would have been eliminated immediately from the presidential race. There are double standards in this country that really annoy me.

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Old 04-28-2008, 01:11 PM   #16
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I don't look at it as a racial thing, it more an ideaology issue, Wright uses race and religeon to further his ideaology . I've told any number of people that of the three left in the race, I believe that Obama is the most honest, Hillary is intellectually dishonest and a congenital liar was how I think William Sapphire described her, Mc Cain to me is much like Clinton, he'll tell you one thing one minute and then tell you that he never saind it the next minute, both are pretty skilled at, spinning? One of Obama's problems is that he's a very inept liar, when he's not on the teleprompter and faced with questions that are not of the softball variety he stumbles and bumbles, the mainstream media should have been on all of these stories more than a year ago but they were too busy pleasuring themselves with multiple Obama-gasms to offer any real scrutiny of the man, yesterday and today should be giving ole' Spence fits!!!
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Old 04-28-2008, 01:24 PM   #17
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that sounds like an outstanding place to "cling to your Bible and guns" sir, ever fished Grand Lake Stream?

Originally Posted by GunnySniper View Post
And people wonder why I built a self sufficient cabin in the woods of central maine years ago...................
2 acres planted, 300 canning jars, 100 chickens, 3 dozen turkeys, a beef calf, 5 piglets, and a whole lot of ammo.
Retired Marine Force Recon Sniper
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Old 04-28-2008, 07:47 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
SCott- Im 100% with you.

Its a simple concept to me. I dont care what he did with his life, the words he preached in the few excerpts I heard are enough for me to make up my mind.

If Rev W was white and a white candidate attended his church, that person would have been eliminated immediately from the presidential race. There are double standards in this country that really annoy me.
Funny how Liberals refuse to hold the Rev to the same standards of political correctness they demand of us.

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Old 04-28-2008, 09:53 PM   #19
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What's funny is how some people can't imagine reforming an opinion when new information becomes available. Wright as wacky as he may be didn't go to Libya to fraternize with terrorists, many of his comments were taken out of context, Obama has distanced himself from many of Wrights comments and yet I hear the same accusations repeated over and over. You guys aren't even focused on the really odd things he's said and rather seem to peseverate on the refutable!

What's even funnier is how all this anti-Wright opinion has simply given the man a national platform from which to speak! He's laughing all the way to the bank.

Wright is the devil, he's evil and ScottW can smell it. Nothing can change this, and if you don't reject him in whole then you're endorsing his positions

One of the primary reasons the republican party has lost so many moderate voters is precisely the failure to recognize publicly that many issues do indeed fall on a spectrum...that the world is not black and white, good an evil etc...Bush's foreign policy should make that perfectly clear.

Now you're turning this same intolerance for critical thought on our own country, perhaps to the demise of us all.

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Old 04-29-2008, 06:26 AM   #20
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critical thought huh? that's really funny, you must be double-jointed Spence to be able to accomplish the gymnastics required to to defend this stuff, just gets better every day...Obama fandom has been wringing it's collectivist hands for the past few days, Who let the Rev, out again????, I now know why they bought him a 1.6 million dollar home in a gated , predominantly white community with a 10 million dollar credit line, they figure it's best to lock him IN, he can stay in his mansion and live out his days screaming profanity at his neighbors...heh should read "Wright is wrong" from yesterday and anything by Juan Williams over the past few months just to make you aware that there are a lot of, I guess, "intolerant folks" as you describe anyone that doesn't follow your so-called critical thought, on the left that aren't down with the Rev. and his star pupil, to calm your fears and concerns which have developed in your near appaplectic state I want you to know that if our demise is near and the world is to end tomorrow, with women and monirities being hardest hit of course, I will take full responsibility... don't be angry( I mean angrier) but while clinging to my Bible on Sunday I prayed for you, you really should follow my advice from earlier, you clearly have not started your regimin which I so generously perscribed at no cost to you, so I'm going to try to locate some full season DVD's of Will and Grace for you, because I care Spence....I really do, PEACE BROTHER
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Old 04-29-2008, 07:35 AM   #21
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Dems and Libs love their Marxists and dictators

couldn't resist sharing

What is Bill Richardson thinking?
Thomas Lifson
Investor's Business Daily highlights the very problematic private South American diplomatic initiative of Bill Richardson, who has endorse Barack Obama and is generally considered as a possible running mate on the Democrats' ticket, or perhaps a Secretary of State in an Obama Administration.

Ostensibly he is seeking release of several hostages being held by the FARC guerillas in Colombia's jungle. But, against the wishes of the Colombian government, a democratic ally of the United States led by very popular President Uribe, Richardson is insisting on meeting with Venezuela's Marxist dictator wannabe, Hugo Chavez.

let's see...
Carter and Hamas(and a host of other thugs)
Pelosi and Asad of Syria
Albright, Carter, Clinton, Richardson and Kim Jong something of North Korea
Joe Kennedy, many Dems and Richardson and Chavez
the Hollywood left and Cuba
was it Leslie Staal and her kissy faced interview with Amadenijad(forgive my spelling)?
don't forget Neville Chamberlain and Hitler
Jame Fonda and the North Vietnamese
a few dem members of congeress and Hussein on a trip funded by Hussein to criticize their own country and president
the dem party and every Soviet leader prior to the fall of the wall
the Clinton's and anyone from China with cash

and on and on...

but never, ever, call them unpatriotic...they're just critical thinkers...
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Old 04-29-2008, 07:49 AM   #22
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scottw is my new hero.

BTW, I have now heard Wrights two interviews and speeches and I must admit, my opinion of him is lower than before. Not only is he a hateful racist, he is an arrogant jerk. Did you hear his imitation of Kennedy? His point is so childish, its embarrassing. Thats said, he has every right to speak his mind. I just can't for the life of me understand how a "friend" of Obama can contunie to dig a deeper hole? All he had to do was shut up for 6 months. Maybe if Obama became president Wright, Sharpton and Jackson would be out of a job? There would be no more need for hate and fear mongering among the races if we had a black president. I hope the day does come, I want equality and justice and want these loud mouth racists to go away.

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Old 04-29-2008, 08:54 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
SCott- Im 100% with you.

Its a simple concept to me. I dont care what he did with his life, the words he preached in the few excerpts I heard are enough for me to make up my mind.

If Rev W was white and a white candidate attended his church, that person would have been eliminated immediately from the presidential race. There are double standards in this country that really annoy me.
I guess you didnt har what Rev. Hagee said about catholics, gays and jewish disobedience, who of course, as we know, endorsed McCain.

You can mask your opinions in this double standard nonsense, but you know as well as I do that we dont like to hear angry black men.

And as far as double standards are concerned women probably suffer the most as a result of such things, not you and me.
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Old 04-29-2008, 09:02 AM   #24
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Speaking of double standards, not once....NOT ONCE, have I heard of a catholic candidate running for public office enduring such a smear campaign because of a handful of pederast priest or the archbishop who condoned the behavior.

And to this association with Obama and Farakhan he denounced his endorsement...
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Old 04-29-2008, 09:03 AM   #25
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John Hagee and McCain... I dont think so
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Old 04-29-2008, 09:08 AM   #26
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oh and 1 more thing...

his church feeds over 5000 homeless people.... roughly the population of central parks resident homeless in the summertime
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Old 04-29-2008, 09:09 AM   #27
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Rev. Racist that is.
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Old 04-29-2008, 09:11 AM   #28
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so much anger on the left....SERENITY NOW....SERENITY NOW...
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Old 04-29-2008, 10:01 AM   #29
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angry.... I prefer objective, perhaps even enlightened, but you might label me an "elitist" or something offensive like that. I will leave it up to you to maintain the cancerous strain of anti-intellectual partisan sentiment that has gripped much of the right wing media. I will leave it up to you to go back to debating the sanctity of Hanna Montana's extracurricular activities.
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Old 04-29-2008, 10:13 AM   #30
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you know what slaves did when the constitutional convention failed them the first time. Most of them turned to the bible, thereby embracing subservience, servitude and complacency. Those that didnt cling to there religion while the planter class kept them in chains turned to guns. That is exactly what people do when the government fails them. Now the present state of the american proleteriat in no way compares to that of the american slave, but just ride through a poor community, be it black, white or latino. You will see dopedealers, armed stick up kids and churches. Those that dont bide there time in church, pray to the P&N, the pipe and needle. The others religious traditions are rooted in swigs from 40oz's of old english 800, zima, MD 20/20 among other spirits. I promise you, if things keep up, this will all be coming to a neighborhood near you if it already hasnt.
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