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  1. He's OK
  2. sorry for the whataboutism
  3. Hong Kong
  4. Senate Intel Committee releases Russian INTERFERENCE REPORT
  5. White House 'will not co-operate with impeachment inquiry'
  6. The Stable Genius tweets again
  7. turkey already bombing syria
  8. He might finally have succeeded in committing political suicide
  9. Narrative battle
  10. Generalissimo Donnie Bonespurs
  11. Since you’ll never see it on Faux
  12. Trump Urged Top Aide to Help Giuliani Client Facing DOJ Charges
  13. Watch the Trump Ukraine scandal come back to roost
  14. Is this the New face of America
  15. The Google Archipelago
  16. We are now providing mercenaries for compensation
  17. Another one bites the dust
  18. Put up or Shut Up
  19. Real or the Onion?
  20. Conning the Con man
  21. Landslide
  22. Two sets of books
  23. Debate
  24. Is Lindsey's spine regenerating?
  25. The King from Mar-a-Lago
  26. Warren and the economy
  27. They are playing chess against the Presidents tic tac toe
  28. Why Trump should be impeached by anyone who believes in the Constitution
  29. The Bed Bug Summit
  30. Trump Administration Does Something Right
  31. But but the Steel dossier
  32. Character counts week
  33. Off the rails
  34. Pete
  35. President vs Constitution
  36. Once upon a time
  37. Trouble coming
  38. Trump’s Gift to Putin The President’s Privatized Foreign Policy Is a Boon for Russia
  39. are quid pro quo’s wrong or not?
  40. Durham’s probe into Russian investigation now a criminal investigation
  41. The cost to have a Stable Genius
  42. US raid against Islamic State
  43. Trump train
  44. House to vote on impeachment
  45. Guess who quit smoking today?
  46. GD
  47. Stable Genius Junior Edition
  48. awesomely low minority unemployment
  49. What fire breathing radical said this and about whom?
  50. After President Trump finishes term one or two
  51. Rumors or where there's smoke there's something
  52. watching the markets?
  53. Sondland remembers
  54. solid night for democrats in VA and KY
  55. Free speech under attack on college campus
  56. whistleblowers lawyer said back in 2017, “the coup has started”
  57. Ukraine didn't know gets blown out of the water
  58. And then there was Roger, Stone that is
  59. Campaign trail
  60. Will Floridaman change his residency
  61. Republicans again with voter fraud
  62. Since we’re really concerned about corruption
  63. Median incomes up $5k under Trump
  64. Support
  65. Nothing says I love you like a shakedown
  66. Rep Chris Stewart guts Ambassador Yovanovitch
  67. Mjrity of Americans don't approve of Dems handling of impeachment, says CBS poll
  68. The Art of Plausible Deniability
  69. Beck is back.
  70. first hand witnesses deny quid pro quo, bribery, extortion
  71. Sondland putting the nail in the coffin
  72. Mike Turner exposes CNN as a fraud in real time.
  73. More Biden corruption?
  74. IG probe
  75. Do you want 4 more years of this?
  76. China
  77. Gym Jordan’s hometown paper
  78. Floridaman’s spin theory
  79. two polls show Trump black support at 34%
  80. Why the Senate SHOULD vote to convict
  81. Welcome to New Russia
  82. chink in democrats impeachment armor?
  83. Lindsey Graham Launches Senate Investigation
  84. Oh Donnie, You're invited
  85. Trump the comedian
  86. White House adviser Stephen Miller faces growing calls to resign after leaked emails
  87. As you sit down for Thanksgiving, this is what Republican leaders are thinking of
  88. Boris Johnson kryptonite
  89. Ohio
  90. Devin nunes
  91. Why the Elecotoral College
  92. Nothing new here, just continued obstruction per Floridaman MO
  93. DOJ’s election-year conundrum
  94. Seadangles is right, greatest President of our time
  95. Radio Controlled car
  96. 3rd poll shows nonwhite support for Trump in low 30s
  97. Ukraine ambassador OP ED in 2016
  98. Trump farm bailout
  99. WOW...epstein definitely
  100. Intelligence Committee report out
  101. President Trump is leading on the world stage at the NATO meetings.
  102. why i watch Tucker Carlson
  103. I’ll use my own phone
  104. November jobs report crushed expectations
  105. Latest poll
  106. changes to federal food stamp program
  107. odd silence
  108. The Cult of Trump
  109. What it wasn’t a witch hunt
  110. Ted Cruz introduces a bill to set term limits for congress
  111. Reintroducing the ever brilliant Gym Jordan
  112. Strategy meeting?????
  113. Who said this?
  114. Strzok can sue Floridaman
  115. IG report
  116. The science isn't settled
  117. Curious
  118. Rubles and Rudy
  119. What it isn’t Trump😳
  120. Abuse of power is a crime
  121. Corruption is really important to Floridaman
  122. White Supremacy Kills
  123. TRUMP wont do debates
  124. Coin toss
  125. i figured the GOP would pick up one or two...
  126. Trump goes after Pelosi’s teeth
  127. Shhhhh, it's a secret
  129. Hypocrisy
  130. So.....
  131. Happy Birthday, GOP tax cuts. Welcome to your terrible twos.
  132. So I was looking for the White Power Nazi Military Thread
  133. Wow
  134. A Conversation With Rudy Giuliani Over Bloody Marys at the Mark Hotel
  135. If you care about National Security, your rights and FISA
  136. one benefit of tax cuts
  137. Behind the Ukraine Aid Freeze: 84 Days of Conflict and Confusion
  138. Trump is responsible for anti-semitic violence?
  139. “Secretary Pompeo, where was Floridaman when you told him our embassy was attacked
  140. Biden has a great plan for WV coal miners
  141. Iran
  142. Who said this
  143. Iran retaliating
  144. Simplified viewpoint I agree with
  145. Pelosi backs down
  146. politics and Iran
  147. British Defence Secretary
  148. Trump Think troops personal mercenaries
  149. Students and protesters the Right loves
  150. Bongino illustrates how deep state inures that FISA "mistakes" won't change
  151. China trade deal
  152. sanctuary cities are so evolved and wicked smaht
  153. Parnas and the fallout, current and ongoing
  154. identity politics bites democrats
  155. New Team members
  156. New Space Force Uniforms
  157. suffering in Puerto Rico was all Trumps fault
  158. thoughts from the liberals here?
  159. Afghanistan yearly cost
  160. Richmond Gun Rally:
  161. We should be like Sweden
  162. The joke begins
  163. Darling of the left
  164. Floridaman confesses
  165. Schiff lost his marbles
  166. Trump newest attack on environment
  167. New Poll
  168. Public School Funding
  169. Today in Iraq
  170. student loan forgiveness
  171. 800 people were rounded up after crossing border
  172. Floridaman’s propagandist’s alternative facts
  173. Border security
  174. Bolton pegging Floridaman
  175. When you're grasping at straws, defense falls apart
  176. if trump wins in november, here’s why
  177. Trump, Netanyahu announce peace proposal
  178. The Stable Genius shows off
  179. Feinstein of all people, is leaning towards acquittal
  180. Rick Wilson strikes a homerun again
  181. If you can't deal with the truth, make it Top Secret
  182. Trump haters. So who’s your candidate ?
  183. But Hunter
  184. They really can’t keep their story straight
  185. old videos of Schiff surface saying Bolton has no credibity
  186. Agree or disagree
  187. drip, drip, drip...and the faucet is tuned off
  188. Empty barrels ring loudest
  189. Dem's not doing their due dilligence
  190. A little more fuel
  191. Stock market
  192. Any thing Obama
  193. Whistleblowers the left doesn't like--drip, drip, drip . . .
  194. Acquittal pens
  195. RIP
  196. Impeachment
  197. Joke in Iowa
  198. The Money Behind Trump’s Money
  199. Fact check his speech if you dare
  200. I've seen the error of my ways
  201. Romney voting to convict
  202. First bipartisan Senate vote to remove a president
  203. And I am Done!
  204. Susan, Lamar and Lisa It will get worse
  205. DC court unanimously tosses suit dems filed against Trump
  206. Rick strikes King Donald the Malevolent
  207. It Was 65 Degrees In Antarctica This Week
  208. Klobuchar gaining steam
  209. After the Stable Genius
  210. Buttigieg
  211. Drip.....Drip.....Drip...some more
  212. Impeachment campaign
  213. Bloomberg has a message for Agolf Twittler
  214. The necessity of some whom we despise.
  215. Conservative dodge ball
  216. Medal of Freedom Rush Limbaugh
  217. DOJ won't pursue criminal charges against McCabe
  218. Delta bonus
  219. Tooo far
  220. Shhhh....don't tell anyone
  221. why hasn’t obama endorsed Biden?
  222. Madoff is wondering what he did wrong to be left out
  223. Drip.....Drip.....Drip...the Russians are coming
  224. while we #^&#^&#^&#^&er over the fake drip...drip...drip war, this is the real war
  225. democrat debate last night
  226. Trump Ally Roger Stone Gets 40 Months for Lying, Witness-Tampering
  227. Twittler Court Disbands Popular Opposition Party
  228. The 3 B`s
  229. The Russians are coming, say the democrats!!!
  230. Richard Grenell Trump's new Acting Director of National Ingellegence.
  231. He got rid of waste
  232. On to the supreme court
  233. democrat debate tonight
  234. Trump is changing the kooky 9th circuit
  235. Stunned silence
  237. A little history of how an epidemic worked
  238. Choose wisely
  239. Happy Sunday
  240. Biden massacres dec of independence and gettysburg address in one swoop
  241. Ukraine happened for a reason
  242. PsychoBozo just pooped himself
  243. Another one bites the dust....
  244. Who do you want in a Pandemic crisis?
  245. Mick Mulvaney Out
  246. Kamela Harris endorses Biden
  247. Market tanks 1900 points
  248. A view of Covid-19 from Kiwi land
  249. Biden confronting Michigan worker
  250. Why do democrats oppose Trumps payroll tax holiday?