View Full Version : Grumpy Old Pharts Board

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  1. Gremlins in my jeep.
  2. OnDemand VCR Control!
  3. Holy crap
  4. what a crappy day
  5. Too cold!
  6. Bored
  7. Bee stings
  8. Big Papi Grand Slam hotsauce
  9. What the f%^$ are they thinking?
  10. 4 letter words
  11. :-(
  12. power surged
  13. Andy Rooney dies
  14. Umass grumpage
  15. Watching the game with "Jim"
  16. So tired of vampires
  17. Hottie Wearing a Hijab
  18. Survey SAYS
  19. Mother Nature
  20. Mrs. Kennedy regrets, she's unable to attend
  22. Java Joe No More
  23. Power adapter frustrations
  24. LG Washers
  25. Dear apple
  26. Never a good time for this
  27. I hate your kids!!
  28. You know your old when....
  29. Flu
  30. Anyone else laid-off?
  31. we just don't have the power!
  32. Stones suck... second time in 15 months...
  33. Septic no leechy
  34. Car dealers.
  35. Concussions suck
  36. Insurance rates increase
  37. This Banks Deal Sucks
  38. Acton family wants the Pledge of Allegiance changed...
  39. Citizens Bank Sux
  40. Now THIS "IS" NUTS
  41. crazy!!
  42. This really happened to me
  43. these people suck
  44. Hmphf! Raining and pouring....
  45. Summers Commin !
  46. Free TV
  47. Here's a real survival "FAIL" in the makings....
  48. Football field gone every 2 seconds
  49. broken in
  50. MBTA is at it again!!!!
  51. CRUnch Thump, Boom
  52. THIS "is" so Wrong
  53. Ebay Sucks,
  54. Kids.......
  55. Peoples' Republic of......
  56. Need More STAMINA ?
  57. Lowes
  58. CS could not find your picture
  59. Flight 772 (Wine for Breakfast)
  60. Auto parts places.
  61. Pollen WTF
  63. 30# test is not enough for the ditch
  64. awe man!!!!!!
  65. Blood pressure meds suckkkkkkkkk
  66. varmit warfare
  67. What a wonderful week I've had!!!!!
  68. What a stoopid azz screw up with washing machine
  69. Lost ten #'s last night
  70. People who run stop signs.
  71. gotta hit it twice!
  72. Olympics Gripe
  73. Futures at Fenway
  74. Just when you thought this state couldn't sink any lower....
  75. Another Lawrence incident....
  76. Creative reporting...
  77. Here we go again!!!!!
  78. Heat
  79. Teacher Reports
  80. Here we go again - part 2!!!!!
  81. Poorly timed ad on tv.
  82. Sears should be ashamed.
  83. hammers can bounce !
  84. The "hacks" are at it again......
  85. Comcast customer service technology STINKS!!
  86. it's RUBBER !
  87. People Seem To Be Less Grumpy??
  88. Mansfield School Cancels Holiday Concert After Parent Complaints
  89. Cox e-mails
  90. How's this for efficiency???
  92. Damn women drivers!
  93. Convenience Fee $4.22
  94. How would a disabled person go about getting their free fishing licences ?
  95. getting jipped at the supermarket
  96. How we treat our heroes......disgusting
  97. Muscle cramps in the jaw after dental work
  98. So I get home from work.....
  99. Verizon Fios Customer Service
  100. Hertz
  101. PCPs tossing you around
  102. OfficeMax scam
  103. Where do I start????
  104. The weather....
  105. The ONE Fund.......
  106. GD Air Conditioner
  107. Pajama people questions
  108. Water bans
  109. Tenants
  110. medications SUCK
  111. Boat Buying Grumpage
  112. why is it so damn hard to find a job?
  113. rt. 128 is the worst!
  114. Flat tire.......AGAIN!
  115. Unfreakingbelievable
  116. 1/2 second
  117. MBTA Patriots train
  118. Fishing with old guys
  119. On The Water beating the show to death
  120. Root Canal
  121. injury grumpage
  122. Dulles airport
  123. games our kids cannot play any more...
  124. Cholesterol report...
  125. What kind of message is this sending???
  126. Jury duty....
  127. Just don't get it
  128. Google maps
  129. #^&#^&#^&#^& you Sears #^&#^&#^&#^& you!
  130. What did they expect her to do???
  131. Caught in the Act
  132. Never thought of this for a used car
  133. Wounded Warrior Project Scam!
  134. jeff bezo article on cnn
  135. #^&#^&#^&#^&'s Sporting Goods - what a joke!
  136. WTF NFL?
  137. Unresponsive Dr. ...
  138. Fast talkers-
  139. i GOT PUNKED
  140. Ever Use GoFundMe? Safe?
  141. I hope this doesn't become a recurring occurance...
  142. I know I shouldn't be shocked, but....
  143. Now there's the story about.....
  144. Mail Carriers getting lazy!!!!!!!
  145. F-ING Freezing Rain
  146. Can our roads get any worse??
  147. I thought that they were "supposed" to be ready for this???
  148. Dr can't figure it out ... thoughts?
  149. coping saw
  150. Effing cars!!!!!
  151. managing your blood sugar
  152. How many still actually type their posts???
  153. Katie dids out tonight-
  154. Identity Theft
  155. How many are taking statins to lower cholesterol
  156. Health care system
  157. The new batch of political ads have started...
  158. Exactly how old are they???
  159. Barium Sulfate Yum (Not)
  160. Managers... manager...
  161. Your vacation day is cancelled, your vacation day is cancelled..
  162. HURT
  163. rediculous
  164. anything with a motor...
  165. Sink installation
  166. What does a visit to the Dr. cost?
  167. how many INCHES???
  168. Who is grumpy today?
  169. A-Whole Plow Driver
  170. Here we go...
  171. New driving laws in effect in MA
  172. Bronchitis grumpage
  173. Fox Vs Blind Dingo
  174. News whores-a-plenty!!!
  175. Boycott ESPYs
  176. More madness to consider...
  177. Here's spmething I posed to my brothers the other day...
  178. the EPA is a complete JOKE
  179. Stop the planet. Let me off now.
  180. Data plan
  181. Men and Menapause
  182. I'm waiting
  183. I'm waiting
  184. Coffee
  185. Hey look what we caught!!!
  186. Life without a thumb
  187. WTF
  188. Too many items
  189. Weymouth is a joke.
  190. I'm more then grumpy right now
  191. My brother's grumpage...
  192. F u ckin ><><
  193. Harumph!!!
  194. city/state's new way of getting $$$
  195. Traffic
  196. Copy Cat Police Shootings????
  197. Another water heater tank dies....
  198. Bait thieves
  199. flash mob robs Roslindale quickie-mart
  200. Stop sign runners
  201. thought I had seen it all, but...
  202. I can't say which is more idiotic...
  203. I'm Grumpy and missing #12
  204. What would you think???
  205. Who came up with this genius idea???
  206. To the Wonderful person....
  207. Isn't the Mass Turnpike Authority amazing???
  208. what's 2 people's lives really worth???
  209. Starting to dislike how much the high school football games/players....
  210. Like to know the zoning laws for Dover, MA
  211. Ma. Toll booths
  212. EPA now considers dry ice a pesticide!
  213. Our governor is showing his true nature..
  214. Lucky for her I'm not agressive
  215. Are you ready for the apocolypse???
  216. Insurance companies and adjusters suck
  217. SOL
  218. Mass Dept of Revenue
  219. So Fing tired of dealing with Ethanol issues.
  220. HIPPA??????
  221. Malwarebytes
  222. Get rid of the router with Comcast?
  223. Workplace ethics...unwritten rules.
  224. Hammer Toe Surgery
  225. People suck these days
  226. Enough Already
  227. sniff, sniff
  228. Mother Nature S*cks
  229. What a week....
  230. Happy birds trying to get laid ...
  231. NEVER use ATF to substitute Dot3.......
  232. garden pests!!!
  233. Selling a house
  234. First cold of the year
  235. The madness never seems to end...
  236. Truly, The Maddness Never Ends
  237. Vertigo
  238. Man down....
  239. so completely true
  240. Summer Cough
  241. Screw Starbucks.....
  242. Those damned squirrels....
  243. Gravity
  244. >>>>>>>WEATHER<<<<<<<
  245. aging eyesight
  246. [SEALS}
  247. Two more witholding TAXES
  248. You know you're tired when thread...
  249. clapping is out, jazz hands are in???
  250. Rant on spoiled kids